White Light Organizing
Professional Organizing & DeCluttering, Naturally.
We are your guide to finding peace of mind in your home and office!
Ready to get organized?! Call today ~ 845-235-1873
About Christie Gabai
From the time she can remember, Christie has been transforming spaces everywhere she went. "It's this natural urge I've always had to make any space I'm in clean, clear and less cluttered. When I was a little girl, I remember going into my friends’ rooms and wanting to play organizing as a game! It was so fun for me and still is!” Years later, her friends started asking her to come to their homes and help with kids toys, clothes, kitchens and more and told her she should make a business out of this! Well, Christie took her friends advice seriously and founded her own organizing company in 2003.
Before that, Christie had managed a local art gallery and jewelry store for 5 years and was able to develop and practice the art of display, placement and design. Since then, she has immersed herself in a working and living environment that has been conducive to that development. She then went on to manage a unique Asian/Eastern furniture store for 2 years, where she again had the wonderful opportunity to learn from a great designer and be immersed in the practice of spacial arrangement.
Christie has organized and transformed hundreds of homes and offices over the past 10 years, has taken courses on counselling hoarders from Professional Hoarding Expert Cory Chalmers and has developed herself to be able to help people of all situations, backgrounds and diversities. Christie’s approach is very holistic, therapeutic, and helps bring people to a greater level of connection and appreciation for their home, offices and everything in them.
“When we dedicate ourselves to giving each of our belongings a proper place and function in our home or office, we create an atmosphere of care and thoughtfulness that is reflected back onto us as we move through our spaces in ease and lightness.”
– Christie Gabai

photo credit: homerhorowitz.com